The Recall workflow enables Holly to track patients with recurring appointments, offering reminders to schedule their next appointment if one has not yet been arranged.
As other workflows, we can filter the results by calendars or periods.
First thing we will see is the Total appointments per period that were of the workflow recall.
Appointments by location
This section displays the number of appointments scheduled at each location, presented in two formats: a pie chart illustrating the distribution in percentages, and a bar chart depicting the actual counts.
Appointment by calendar
In this area, you can view the total appointments scheduled for each calendar, showcased through two different graphical representations: a pie chart that shows the percentage breakdown and a bar chart that indicates the specific number of appointments.
Appointment by appointment type
The pie chart will show the percentage of appointments per appointment type, that were scheduled via the Recall offer made by Holly.
Appointments by provider
Here we can see the percentage of appointments, per provider, that were scheduled via the self-scheduler, if it’s undefined, this means no appointment was scheduled for a specific provider, rather, Holly selected one for the patient.
Appointments by period
This will show the appointments scheduled within the time frame selected in filters.
If you have any questions regarding your dashboard, please do not hesitate to contact us at We’ll be happy to help.