Holly's Support Team Knowledge Base

Welcome to Holly’s knowledge base

A knowledge base is a shared resource that your whole team can use and contribute to.

Use it to build a wiki, create content to deflect help-desk requests, or for anything else where you want to quickly create lots of pages without worrying about organization and structure.

Here, you can:

  • Customize this overview using the edit icon at the top right of this page.

  • Create a new page by clicking the in the space sidebar.

  • See pending approval templates by clicking this link.

Remember to add labels to your pages so they appear when you browse by topic.


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Creating a New Page

  • There is already a Template for pages in this wiki! You can find it as a Support Ticket Template when you create a new page.

  • Inside it you will find what you need to know to create a new template, and the tools used in each of those.


Remember to add the label pending_approval and the status Pending Approval to each template you add.

Approving Templates

  • Once you approve a Pending Approval template, make sure to change it to Approved.

  • If you would like to make any small change to a template before approving it, feel free to do it.

  • However, if some major change needs to be done, change the box to:

Issues found And the issue here.

Every time a template status change, make sure to change their respective labels. (pending_approval or issues_found)

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