Reschedule Appointment Confirming

Reschedule Appointment Confirming


There is no need for confirming reschedules. Only CareCloud users need a confirmation. Below are the instructions on how to confirm (or deny) reschedules .

EHR-specific Template


When Holly reschedules an appointment, the new appointment is created with the status "Requested" (these are the 'grayed out' appointments on CareCloud).
This appointment is not official yet. In order to make it official, someone has to confirm it (Right click, SCHEDULE).

Below is a video showing how this crucial step is done:


IMPORTANT: If you need to DENY an appointment here, it is crucial that you follow up with the patient manually. By just Denying the appointment, it will disappear and the patient will NOT be notified by Holly in any way of the cancellation.


Template Details

Template ID: 1
Class: FAQ
Sub-class: Reschedule FAQ