Autofill Explanation

Autofill Explanation


Waitlist is a function in which Holly offers cancelled slots to patients that currently have a similar appointment scheduled at a later date, this way the patient reschedules for a sooner date, and the available slot is not wasted. Holly offers each cancelled slot for a specified time, one patient at a time, until the offered slot is accepted, or the max amount of patients asked is reached.

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Autofill is a new feature in which Holly offers cancelled slots to certain patients so they can get their appointments rescheduled at a sooner date. Holly offers each cancelled slot for a specified time, one patient at a time, until the offered slot is accepted, or the maximum offered limit is reached. Autofill automatically messages patients which have the same type and duration, and are similar in date and hour of the cancelled appointment.

Note that autofill is planned to be available for everyone on the first quarter of 2020.


Template Details
Class: FAQ
Sub-class: Autofill FAQ

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